How to acquire customers at a lower cost and in a more effective way is a problem encountered by almost every enterprise service company. Many of them only have good products, but ignore the significance of a good sales team to the development of the enterprise. On the evening of Wednesday, May 27, Ventech China was honored to invite an experienced sales to share with you the way to establish sales team and experiences of customer acquisition.

Customer acquisition: teamwork makes difference

The duty of sales is to promote products to the market in an appropriate way. Facing the complex sales system, the sales team needs to cooperate with various departments to achieve information integration. The main methods of customer acquisition for sales are as follows

  • Marketing Team: Through brand promotion and data analysis (WeChat, Linkedin, Weibo, TikTok, etc.), the marketing team can accurately bring products to targeted groups with promotion of successful cases;

  • BD, DS: BD is centered at group solutions, enlarging the market with expertise solutions in specific areas. The information source of DS is still mainly based on the marketing department, which can help sales to get the customer portrait in time;

  • Partners: sales receive more information from this channel than from the internal marketing team, and thus sales opportunities can be increased. Also, good partners can help shorten the conduction period of projects through improving the experience of customers


Tips for establishing an efficient sales system

  • Making sales targets needs to take product line and sales area into consideration, also personal resources should be included, and make performance assessment at the beginning of the year;

  • Reasonable incentive policy has positive effects on sales. The general practice is the base salary plus performance commission;

  • Formulating incentive policies that reflect the company's strategic targets: adjust sales indicators in conjunction with the plan of new product launching to effectively combine sales motivation and the targets of the company;

  • Digging deep into sales regions and industries is needed to understand the characteristics of products, competitors and market demand;

  •  Building a disciplined sales team: the management level has to set the example and adjust sales strategy based on customers’ feedback in time. Diligence, integrity and responsibility are critical to ensure the task completion;

  • The ability to build a relationship with a customer is more important than being eloquent;

  • Strong execution is the key to sales and the landing of product services


Tips: Incentive policies and discipline are the necessity in sales management, but frequent changes to sales teams just for reaching specific replacement rate will lead to instability and loss of customer resources.

Sales process: attaching importance to screen potential opportunities

It seems that there are many opportunities, but in the end, it is impossible to transform them into real orders since sales does not really judge and screen potential projects initially. "With budget, with pain points and we can make changes" is the principle of opportunity prediction. The direction of sales is determined by what the customers’ pain point is, whether the pain point really needs to be changed, whether there is a budget, and what kind of solutions we can give. 

  • Making judgement on customer demands and budgets: out of curiosity or with real needs and budgets;

  • Determine whether there are equivalent internal resources to match customer needs;

  • In specific cases, demand can also be created. Business development departments can set some industry benchmarks through activities, trade associations, etc;

  • Understand the customers’ ecological chain and identify pain points;

  • Fully identify the client's organizational structure, especially different roles: the decision maker, influencers, opponents and wavering people;

  • Understand the specific point in time for the project and determine the pace of sales follow-up



  • For the internal processes of large customers, the incoming/shortlisting is important until you are qualified for bidding

  • Also, the repayment after signing the contract is particularly critical. The partnership may help speed up the rebate, and sales also need to pay attention to this stage.

Finally, successful sales partnerships are often a combination of values and methodologies. More far-reaching cooperation with customers is the basis for building a word-of-mouth effect for products and services, and leads to greater business success.

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