The inaugural Ventech China CEO Series was successfully held on April 28th at the Club 55 in Shanghai for over 80 global CEOs, senior government officials, seasoned investors and business leaders.



Former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Ambassador He Yafei gave the keynote address on 'A Path Forward'. Citing that with the current instability in the World, multi-national business leaders had to ‘find a voice to raise objections to misconceptions to avoid a new Cold War’.  He mentioned that China’s growth will inevitably continue and should be viewed as an opportunity-based competition. 


Other speakers were Vice President of China-Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation (CEATEC) Zhao Yibo, the Founder and the Managing Partner of Ventech China Eric Huet, and Ventech China welcomed their new Managing Partner, Curt Ferguson, the former CEO of Coca-Cola Greater China and Korea.

Eric Huet - The Founder and the Managing Partner of Ventech China


Curt Ferguson - The new Managing Partner of Ventech China, the former CEO of Coke Cola in Great China and Korea


Yibo Zhao - Vice President of China-Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation (CEATEC)

yibo zhao.png

James Jin - The Managing Partner of Ventech China


(Eric Huet, Curt Ferguson, James Jin)


(Eric Huet, Li Li - CEO of Condé Nast, Ambassador He, Curt Ferguson, James Jin ) 

After the Q&A session, a very lively discussion followed in the unique environment of Club 55.




Based on the feedback discussions with the participants about the content and networking opportunities, Ventech China has decided to expand this event.  The Ventech China CEO Series will be conducted on a periodic basis to deal with topical issues and opportunities for wealth creation in China.

Ventech China Managing Partners, Eric Huet, James Jin and Curt Ferguson would like to thank all the guests and also the Ventech portfolio partner companies that supplied their innovative products to the guests - Keep, SuperMonkey, Tinkamo, Auralab and Naïve Blue.




In the past fifteen years, Ventech China has developed a deep understanding and expertise into the TMT/consumer space by focusing on emerging opportunities and investing in early-stage companies. Ventech China believes that it is participating in a better world by investing in capable entrepreneurs for world-changing technologies and applications.  


(Ventech China Team)