On June 9th, Ventech portfolio company, the digital music heavyweights Believe has confirmed that it will begin trading shares on the French securities market after raising €300m ($473 million) through its IPO. The IPO is one of the highest-profile for the Paris market since Covid-19 pandemic.

Believe’s IPO marks #18, and the most strategically critical for our business in Europe. As a cardinal early-stage lead investor in digital innovation since 1999, Ventech is both a pioneer in the development of the European tech ecosystem and a privileged witness to this digital revolution. 


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Believe is a pioneer of innovation to its core. At a time when few could distinguish them, Believe identified the beginnings of a radical change in the music market: the digital transformation. Through today’s impressive reality: Believe is one of the world’s leading digital music companies, present in 50 countries across three continents, with €750m+ in revenues.


Believe works with independent musicians and music labels to help them build up popularity via social media and put their work on streaming music platforms. Unlike more traditional labels that focus on the biggest musical acts, Believe provides services to a broad range of artists from individuals just starting out to more established ones, such as French rapper Jul and Australian band Parcels.

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In a statement issued today, Denis Ladegaillerie, Founder and CEO of Believe, said his company is now “crossing a new threshold in its development by going public”.

Ladegaillerie stated: “The funds raised will allow us to invest in our innovative technology platform and to implement our ambitious strategy of targeted acquisitions.

With the support of the stock exchange and its long-term partners, Believe opens a second chapter in its history today, just as ambitious as the first: affirming its positioning while maintaining its independence as one of the 4 Music Major Companies in the world, of the new digital generation compared to the traditional players, Universal, Sony and Warner.

We at Ventech are honored to remain by their side, continuing to accompany this brilliant team in the next stages of value creation.

Much like Believe, Ventech is proud to have dared to pioneer from Day One. As the reference investor of Meilleurtaux.com, Ventech participated in the very first IPO on Euronext Growth (Alternext pre-2017) and organized the very first transfer from Alternext to Euronext with this same company.

As history repeats itself, we are grateful to be Believe’s European reference shareholder (with over 20% of the capital), standing alongside our American colleagues on the day of this important milestone, inspired and confident that the many future uses of Euronext by digital innovation leaders to come holds the key to the success and sustainability of our European ecosystem.

The best is yet to come !