Recently, Shanghai Honghu Jihang Technology Co., Ltd. announced the completion of an angel round of financing of tens of millions of RMB. This round of financing was exclusively invested by the Ventech China RMB Fund. The financing is mainly used for R&D investment and accelerating product commercialization. Iterate, improve team building, and purchase facilities and equipment.

Honghu Jihang said that after completing this round of financing, the company will focus on the iteration of functional coating products, and develop drag reduction functions on the basis of corrosion resistance, anti-icing, and output to multiple application fields.

Aviation technology is one of the fields that has developed most rapidly since the 20th century and has the greatest impact on human production and life. In recent years,  Chinahas made remarkable achievements in the field of aviation. Nearly 100 domestic large aircraft ARJ21 have been delivered, and the C919 is about to complete the certification operation. At the same time, with the start of the aviation industry, the domestic related industrial chain is also rising rapidly.

Among them, Honghu Jihang, as a supporting enterprise of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) that develops, produces and sells functional coatings, has made major breakthroughs in the research and development of self-cleaning anti-icing coatings, which are expected to be applied in the aviation field to further solve the problem of icing safetyissue.

 Honghu Jihang said that, different from the current popular polyurethane material application technology, the coating adopts a new type of hydrophobic material, which has excellent comprehensive performance in hydrophobicity, adhesion, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, etc., and leads imported products in terms of technology and function. . After the coating is applied, the surface of the material will freeze for a longer time, the amount of ice will be greatly reduced, and the attached ice will be easier to remove.

At present, the first-generation self-cleaning anti-icing coating products of Honghu Jihang have been preliminarily confirmed in function, and will work together with the anti-icing system of the original aircraft to become an effective tool to combat icing, improve safety, reduce energy consumption, and reduce the carbon emissions of the aviation industry.

In addition, the second-generation products under development will combine the application of optical fiber sensing technology, which can have outstanding drag reduction characteristics and further enhance the economy and competitiveness of the aircraft.

It is worth noting that in terms of team members, the Honghu Jihang team has strong team with 5 professors, 6 doctors and many excellent students. Several team members have published SCI papers in high-level international industry journals, and won the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Aeronautical Society and the Shanghai Science and Technology Award.

Fang Ji, Honghu JihangPartner, said: "The application requirements in the aviation field are very high, and the research and development has also been sharpened in ten years. Our self-cleaning anti-icing coating has made a big breakthrough, and it is widely used in civil and military aircraft. vulgar performance. Recently, the company is still applying for the GJB standard. We will continue to invest in material research and development and technology, and continue to cooperate with many national key laboratories such as COMAC, the Second Institute of Civil Aviation, and Sichuan University's polymer, and continue to cultivate in the aviation field. In the future, functional coatings will be developed and developed in different scenarios and industries to promote the application of anti-icing coatings in alpine regions and anti-freezing and ice disasters.

Yang Yinghao, Managing Director of Ventech China also said: China is the world's largest aviation market with the most complex icing weather. There have been many aviation accidents caused by icing and extensive flight delays caused by ice and snow. In addition, in many alpine regions in China, high-speed railway lines, communication towers, photovoltaic wind power, etc. cannot operate normally or even suffer damage to facilities due to ice freezing every winter. The cost of manual deicing and maintenance is extremely high. And Honghu Jihang, as a domestic team that insists on independent innovation, its products can greatly solve or alleviate the aforementioned problems, and the economic benefits are obvious, which is also the main factor for us to decide to invest in it.